Im here fisherbot.

Suggest a new bot idea that you would like to see made or an already existing bot you would like to see Burners make.
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Helpfull Botter
Posts: 15
Joined: Mon Oct 17, 2005 11:29 am

As I am trying to raise my fishing skill and not really into afk fishing at the moment as I already have my Lu Shang and fishing skill is 57.

I would like a bot that aids "we are here fishermen". The one thing I hate about fishing for the fish I need to level is the hammering my keypad takes to do it.

From what I have read on the forums you can accomplish this fairly fast already in the hyper bot and I was wondering if it would be possible to build a bot that you start it casts and that rapidly reels in whatever is caught then waits on a command to either catch (user hitting enter key) or release the catch (user hitting escape key) to stop the bot.

The ability to be able to escape the fish is a must as a ferry fisher who uses text to avoid monsters it is easy to spot the monster catches. These are always where the 1st line ends in !!! and the 2nd in a single !

As the user is ending the catch or release of said catch then the operation would still look random and not to fast as long as said fisher didn't hit enter instantly.

No idea if it can be done but would be forever grateful if it could and the bonus is it needs no thrills as I would be there to sort and drop before my next cast ,)
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