Please PLease A White Mage Party bot

Suggest a new bot idea that you would like to see made or an already existing bot you would like to see Burners make.
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Maybe if you just mod the powerup bot to switch between party members in stead of auto follow it would work. Someone... anyone suggestions ^^
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:grin: I know the greatest team for making ffxi bots in the whole world {Burners} could whip up a sweet homemade batch of computer baked WM botz for me :blingsmile:

I’m sure Burner can mod it to pt bot but why would you want a whm party bot at all?
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1: Because here are many times when i need to leave my computer while im in a group and cant cause my pt will be dead when i return.

2: Because I stay online Hours upon Hours and I almost fall asleep, Tell you the truth Im a lvl 54wm and it gets a little boring :(

3: Honestly It would make the job easy :blingsmile:

Thats really the only reasons I have. I truely hope it's worth your time. Plus I would be willing to beat it would Sell really good - Because beleave me I'm not the only WM who feels the way I do. ;p
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I was thinking if there was a way to activate all of the micro options in the Power UP bot.
Change the Alt 5 Micro to
/ma "Protectra III" <me> instead of /ma "Protect" Somebody

and then some how change Alt 9 and Alt 0 from /follow Somebody to
/target Somebody Or somthing like: /target <p5> or /target <stpc>

And Alt 8 could still be the MP report just make it a /p instead of a /t

I dont know :( I wish i could code but I can't :(

protectra might work, but cast time is longer

yet how long the buff stay is actually depend on the lv of the person that gets the buff. so if you have a member that are 4-5lv. off you, it wear off quicker. and if you have a nin tank, you will have to keep casting protect on it as s/he will cancel the buff by accident.

nin need to cancel shadow to recast sometime, and if the mob atk and eat his last shadow they offten cancel protect instead of shadows. and if that happen nin usually in great danger w/o shadows, triple/double atk can kill it easily, at this point, whm will have to flash to buy some time for nin to recast.

you can make a bot that just did cure, but whm is a lot more than jsut curing

Burning can definitly make a pt bot for whm, and he might have one already, but... there are too much variables during battle.

if you have to be AFK so tell the pt. using bot to xp as whm jsut not a good idea. To be a good whm is not easy, and if you use such bot... you going to have hard time to find pt, skill wise imo.

whm doesn't just casting cure, and if bot only cast cure, you will have serious problem for hate control, and other spell you don't cast will cost more down time.

for example, the smn skill up it make me rest while i still have 60-80 MP. it's not that efficient, and everyone has different MP pool. it's hard to make a perfect bot for everyone that will have you resting at the right time.

since you are lv.56, you going to fight a lot of mobs that have status effect.

Fight crab you need barwatera
Fight gob you need barfira
Fight raptor you need viruna
Fight bird you need baraera

With nin tank you need haste ,regen, and flash during emergency situation. Also divine seal + spell past 60 for erasega. Paralyna, sliena for torama. Stona for lizzy in den.

And you might need to dia/slow/paralyze mobs depend on party setup, whm enfee sux and need blm to do elemental debuff before you so your enfee will stick better. Oh when you got fight spider / fly in dragon array, you need to use haste/erase wisely.

What happen when your puller die on the way back, and you resting for mp. pt just stop and waiting for you to raise? sure you can make a rasing bot also, but what if you need sneak and invisible to get to the spot? what happen when there is bad pull with links and pt going to wipe? can bot escape your pt?

you also need to switch equipment during battle and resting. and good whm will buy themselves time to resting while in battle, not just after each fight. also you need to use foods, and what out food you like to use ... i think everybody prefer different stuff huh. I even have 2 set of macro (total 40) just for blm/smn sub.

Bot can only do some simple tasks, but at xping level, bot won't help at all, bot don't analyze situation like human ^^b. WHM is a very difficult job, and if you fail to do what I states above, people will think you sucks and definitely know you bot.
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True very true.... Hmm. Well in that case your right, it couldnt be a walk away completely bot, but with the recent addition of AFKtools it makes it much easier to pause and run the bot (thank god for that :grin: )

I was thinking it could be a modification of the power up bot that will alow all 9 alt micros. A Super Power Up Bot - like a Party/Powerup bot combo

For example: Alt 1-3 are your cures and 4-9 are targets
alt 4 = /target Sombody and so on

This would allow you to Power Level 6 ppl at the same time. Also allowing you the power level a full party NOW THAT WOULD BE COOL!

Then you could also modify it for you own party useing your party members character names allowing you to walk away for a few mins to grab a drink. :grin:
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What about trying the party bot ?

does /ma "Cure" Burner works from outside the party?

i never bother to try it since only 9 macro just not enough for me as whm.
and i really hate to pl people since it create more noobs out there >.<;
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The party bot doesnt have a HP monitor I dont think
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