Copied Items from Chest!

Anarchy Online Secrets Exploits
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Posts: 686
Joined: Sun Oct 29, 2006 2:14 pm

You can get a duplicate copy of items from locked chest/ barrel, etc or anything that has to be lockpicked. Have one person lock pick a locked chest or barrel, and have another person continue to try and open the chest. You will be given access to the chest as soon as the other person lock picks it. So when you have your loot window open, the game opens the loot window for the lock picker automatically, so both of you will have acess instead of one. Then loot the items both nearly at the same time. If done right both of you will have a copy of the item you loot in your inventory. But I must warn you, that you CANNOT take your time to loot because if one person loots before the other, and you wait too long, you cant loot that item (that you click on item, but it doesnt loot). So both of you should loot within a 5 sec timeframe or so). Useful for team mishes, for you can gain access to a teammates chest and loot after he loots, and no message of you looting will ever appear!

(note for admin: I posted this expoit at's forum under the name of wm674. I would of assumed the same name but was not allowed 5 character names. I was too lazty to rewqrite my expoloit so i just copied and pasted it. So just informing you this is not copied or plagiarized. If more verification is need you can contact me and admins at pimpmygame forums, and we'll work something out to prove I am same person). <<<<<delete if this section if needed
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