Hunter Trap Exploit

World of Warcraft Tips
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Joined: Sun Oct 29, 2006 2:14 pm

Hunter Trap Exploit

So knowing that i'll also tell you this:

There is a split second between when a monster or player steps on your trap and receives the trap's effect then giving you aggro.

That being said, I've done this and it requires a large degree of skill to do but i'll try to help you guys do it as best as you can.

I'm from now on calling it the Triple Trap Technique.

Step 1: Lay your trap

Step 2: wait for your trap ability to recharge.

Step 3: Right before the player/NPC steps on the trap lay a different type of trap or the same trap depending on your situation.

The slight delay all players receive will make your timing perfectly inbetween where a trap doesn't exist and aggro doesn't exist but the traps effect is still being put in motion.

This being said you can lay a trap, then lay another trap without using feign death! O.O AMAZING!

NOT ONLY THAT! After you follow steps 1-3 if you feign death you can lay yet ANOTHER trap making it a combination of 3 traps!!!!!

This is EXTREMELY helpful to me when I am combating elites that are much stronger than me

Using this technique i've found that this is the best combination for PvP

(Freezing trap > Freezing trap > Freezing Trap)

Of course during PvP (especially WSG you can freeze THREE enemies stopping them ALL in their tracks which is extremely helpful when your friends are trying to stop that pesky druid or tank from taking your flag

Against NPC's this is what i've found the best combination:


Note: if cooldowns are correct by the time you lay your freezing trap your fiery trap's effect should have worn off making the freezing trap's timing ABSOLUTELY perfect!
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