WoW!Bot Shadow Priest Guide

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Zodium's Shadow Priest Botting Guide - Updated August 13, 2005.



First and foremost, this is the order in which your shadow spec should be learned:

10 - Spirit Tap

11 - Spirit Tap

12 - Spirit Tap

13 - Spirit Tap

14 - Spirit Tap

15 - Improved Shadow Word: Pain

16 - Improved Shadow Word: Pain

17 - Shadow Focus

18 - Shadow Focus

19 - Shadow Focus

20 - Mind Flay

21 - Improved Mind Blast

22 - Improved Mind Blast

23 - Improved Mind Blast

24 - Improved Mind Blast

25 - Improved Mind Blast

26 - Shadow Reach

27 - Shadow Reach

28 - Shadow Reach

29 - Improved Psychic Scream

30 - Improved Psychic Scream

31 - Vampiric Embrace

32 - Silence

33 - Shadow Weaving

34 - Shadow Weaving

35 - Shadow Weaving

36 - Shadow Weaving

37 - Shadow Weaving

38 - Darkness

39 - Darkness

40 - Shadow Form

41 - Darkness

42 - Darkness

43 - Darkness

44 - Improved Fade

45 - Improved Fade

46 - Shadow Focus

47 - Shadow Focus

48 - Blackout

49 - Blackout

50 - Blackout

51 - Blackout

52 - Blackout

From here, you will have 8 more skill points. These can be put into anything you want, really, but I'm almost positive this is your best option:

53 - Unbreakable Will

54 - Unbreakable Will

55 - Unbreakable Will

56 - Unbreakable Will

57 - Unbreakable Will

58 - Improved Power Word: Shield

59 - Improved Power Word: Shield

60 - Improved Power Word: Shield

Grinding Spots


Level 1-12

Your starting zone. Start by grinding on level 3 mobs until you are level 6, then move on to the level 6-7 mobs until you're 10. Finally, grind the level 8-9 mobs until you're 12. Sorry for the lack of detail here, I just figured it's a no-brainer.

Level 12-18

Northern Barrens. Start by going northwest of the barrens and grinding on the Plainstriders until level 15, then venture a little south near the mountains to grind on the Zevrah. This should easily take you to 18, and it's simple enough to make a corpserun path because it's so close to the graveyard. It's also great for skinners.

Level 18-21

Mid-Barrens. Your best bet is to grind on the level 18-19 raptors that are found in a surplus; very nice drops and experience. Also, they're great for skinners.

Level 22-25

Southern Barrens. Thunderhawks, Thunder Lizards, and Hyenas will be great for grinding because you can skin them. Thunderhawks also have fairly nice drops for your level.

Level 26-30

Stonetalon Mountains. There are level 26-27 mooses on the path leading north from the horde town. Bad drops unfortunately, but they're non-aggro, skinnable, and there's alot of them.

Level 30-35

Thousand Needles. Specifically, Mirage Raceway. The turtles drop nice vendor trash and are non-aggro as well as being skinnable. Anyhting in this area, however, is good to bot on, and allows you to build an enormous patrol area.

Level 35-40

Stranglethorn Vale. The lesser water elementals found on the far northwest island are amazing for priests. They drop up to 5 waters (free mana) each time, and give out amazing drops as well as high-quality vendor trash. They're also very easy to kill, and there aren't many people around this part.

Level 40-45

Badlands. Grind on the whelplings in the southeastern part of the zone. They are skinnable, drop money all the time, have amazing vendor trash, drop alot of green items, and have a small chance to drop a whelpling pet which can sell for up to 100g at your AH.

Level 45-50

Feralas. The hippogryphs found in the southern area near the ogres have incredible drops, and the vendor trash can net you over 20g in just a few hours. Watch out for the single bugged hippogryph that is stuck in a tree.

Level 50-55

Azshara. There are non-aggroing mooses in the section north of the naga ruins. Terrible drops, but it's very safe.

Level 55-60

Felwood. Warpwood elementals drop tons of money, potions, nice green/blue items, and have a 1% chance of dropping Living Essence - something that goes for up to 12g on some servers.


Felwood. Jadefire satyrs are often hunted during the day, so only bot these at night. These are hands down the best mobs to farm in the game even at level 60. They drop up to 10s on every kill, little vendor trash (but when they do, they sell for up to 2g each), a ton of runecloth and felcloth, and an item that is valuable to any priest - Demonic Runes. These exchange your health for mana, which is repaired easily be a flash heal thereby giving you up to 1000 free mana.

Grinding Spots (continued)


Level 1-10

Your starting zone. It's self-explanitory as to what you should grind. Start by grinding something that is level 3 until you hit level 6, then go to level 7 mobs until you're level 10.

Level 10-22

Westfall. Begin with the level 9-10 harvest golems found in the beginning (not the level 15 ones) until level 13. Then, move on toward sentinel hill where the level 13-14 mobs are found en masse (pigs, vultures, etc) until level 17. Finally, in the southern part of Westfall is a large clump of Defias that are level 16-19. This should take you to level 22.

Level 22-28

Duskwood. In the northern valley there are several wolves and spiders that will get you to level 25. Then, head west and grind on the wolves there until 28.

Level 28-34

Desolace. Start with the general bulk of mobs in the north and work your way toward the centaur tribes. The centaurs drop alot of money and therefore are perfect for grinding. They are also very far apart.

Level 34-40

Stranglethorn Vale. The lesser water elementals found on the far northwest island are AMAZING. They drop up to 5 waters (drinking for mana, FREE) each time, and give out amazing drops as well as high-quality vendor trash. They're also very easy to kill, and there aren't many people around this part. I did these at level 35 though you it may be possible at 34. If not, bot in Desolace for one more level.

Level 40-45

Badlands. Grind on the whelplings in the southeastern part of the zone. They are skinnable, drop money all the time, have amazing vendor trash, drop alot of green items, and have a small chance to drop a whelpling pet which can sell for up to 100g at your AH.

Level 45-50

Feralas. The hippogryphs found in the southern area near the ogres have incredible drops, and the vendor trash can net you over 20g in just a few hours.

Level 50-55

Azshara. There are non-aggroing mooses in the section north of the naga ruins. Terrible drops, but it's very safe.

Level 55-60

Felwood. Warpwood elementals drop tons of money, nice green/blue items, and have a 1% chance of dropping Living Essence - something that goes for up to 10g on some servers.


Felwood. Jadefire satyrs are often hunted during the day, so only bot these at night. These are hands down the best mobs to farm in the game even at level 60. They drop up to 10s on every kill, little vendor trash (but when they do, they sell for up to 2g each), a ton of runecloth and felcloth, and an item that is valuable to any priest - Demonic Runes. These exchange your health for mana, which is repaired easily be a flash heal thereby giving you up to 1000 free mana.

Setting Up Your Bot

Here are my settings, they seemed to work fairly well for me for everything I've explained in the guide for the most part:

Rest when health is below 70, mana is below 60.

Do not always rest until fully recovered.

Eat/drink when health is below 70, mana is below 30.

Pull Spell 1: Mind Blast

Pull Spell 2: Mind Flay

Melee Spell 1: Mind Flay

Melee Spell 2: Mind Blast

Healing Spell: Flash Heal

Mid-ranged Spell: Mind Flay

Buffs: None, they are hard-coded into the bot already.

Recast Timers - Power Word: Shield = 15, Shoot Wand = 30, Shadow Word: Pain = 24.

Unchecked Power Word: Shield usage

Nuke Threshold = 20

Health Potion Threshold = 15

Mana Potion Threshold = 5

Distances: Maximum Attack range = 30

Disable all fleeing. You'll die anyways since the flee system isn't that great.

In drink.xml, add the following if you are going to grind on the Lesser Water Elementals:

All other settings are your choice, and won't affect your overall efficiency.

General Tips & Hints

1) If you are botting in an area that has other people in it, it's best to offer buffs to those on your own faction and a simple emote of respect to someone on the opposing faction. Most of the time, everyone will leave you alone after this.

2) I'm not sure if it's intended or not, but the SVN priest bot seems to engage in PvP oftentimes now when someone hits you (I went to bed with the bot on and woke up with 14 honor kills the other day). Plan accordingly.

(More will be added later, just getting this section started.)
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