Wow Paladin Guide

World of Warcraft Guides
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You have chosen to become one of the most holy warriors, the Paladin. You will heal, you will tank, and you will be one of the most useful support classes. Only one problem, you are limited! You can only be human or dwarf and there isn’t a whole lot of difference between the two stat wise. Its best you choose by reading the race bonuses displayed under the race description at creation.

All made up and ready to thump? Super, then let’s get you started with the basic navigation and movement of the game. In the upper right hand corner of the screen you will see a map. This map displays you current location and you travel many different arrows will appear on the map. Grey arrows point to near cities, light yellow point to team mates and orange point to you body when you die.

When you are in a team and your team mate is close that are displayed on the map as a grey dot with a golden ring around it. Later on when you complete quests the NPC’s that will hand you your reward are displayed as golden dots.

Now, time for movement. The arrow keys move you around as does clicking both left and right mouse buttons and holding. Numlock is auto run and space bar, as in most games is jump. On the bottom left you will see three icons all with red number next to them. The number represent the numbers above your letter keys on your keyboard from 1-0 and – and +. Press one and you attack, press two and you cast Seal of Righteousness and press three and you cast Holy Light.

Ok, to your right of the hot key, the ones we just talked about, you will see another row of icons. These are just the basic character information, world map, quest box, game settings and all that good stuff. Later on, when you reach level ten this is where your talent button will appear.

To the further right you will see a backpack icon, right-click on it to open it and you will find two types of food, one to heal mana and the other to heal life. There is also a white stone with a blue swirl on it. This is your hearthstone, this is a great tool. When you reach a new town talk to the Inn keep and tell him or her that you want to rest. The stone, when you right click on it will now teleport you back to that Inn. This is a very handy tool for returning from quests or when you need to sell goods.

On the top left we have your health and mana bars and I’m sure you understand those. Run out of health, you die, run out of mana you can’t cast. Now, let’s get your first quest.

If you look around you should see a man standing with an exclamation point over his head. This means he has something he wants you to do, talk to him and get his quest. As you go through the game you will do lots of quests, some are for little reward but large experience and visa versa.

After you complete the quest an orange question mark will appear over the head of the man you received the quest from. Talk to the man again and he will reward you with and item and some experience. When you are done talking to him he should have a new quest for you as should other NPCs around you. This will happen a lot, so watch for new quests everywhere. Now go out and kill some stuff, do your first quest and get your hands dirty.

Once you have gained some levels and done a quest or two you should receive a quest from one of the first people that gave you a quest. It will tell you that someone somewhere is requesting you come and speak to them, this guy will be your trainer so lets go pay him a visit.

When you reach your trainer, which shouldn’t be hard, the directions in the quests are very accurate so far, you should talk to him about training. When you open the training box you will only see about six skills, that’s alright, there will be other trainers later, he is just going to train you up to level six. Here is some of what you should see and some of what you can expect later on:

• Seal of Righteousness- This spell is easy to understand, it just increases your damage for a short amount of time. Judgment- 20 holy damage.

• Holy Light- Another one easy on the mind, it heals you.

• Blessing of Might- This spell also increases your damage for a short time.

• Judgment- This skill allows you to release the power of you’re your seals, each seal has a different Judgment effect, look through each one after gaining judgment to see what they do.

• Divine Protection- This is very useful, it makes you invulnerable basically and gives you the chance to cast a heal, usually twice before it wears off. You can also run if you want, ya chicken =P

• Purify- Just removes one poison and disease effect from target.

• Seal of Crusader- Another damage bump but Judgment is different from Righteousness. Judgment- It increases the holy damage taken by the target for a short time.

• Parry- Very nice, gives you the chance to parry an attack, get and level it.

• Hammer of Justice- Another nice skill since you can use it in conjunction with Divine Protection, a little more about that later. It stuns target for short time.

• Blessing of Protection- Target is immune from all physical attacks for short time.

• Devotion Aura- Give additional armor to each party member.

• Lay on Hands- Very very nice skill. This will heal a party member for the amount of health you have total but will drain your mana completely, use wisely.

That is a good run down of most of the spells but you will see as you go the other spells are easy to understand.

When you reach level ten you will gain talents, the icon will be near quest log. The talents you will want to focus on are Holy talents and Protection as you will tank and heal so make sure you raise the ones that add to healing skills and armor. -Note open beta you could reset, it has been rumored that after launch you won't be able to reset them so choose wisely or not at all untill you know if you are playing launch.

Now, to kill tactics. The best thing to do is run then Aura and Seal of your choice and use hammer of justice to open up the battle. This will stun your target for the first moments of battle. Pound the crap out of it and if you need to heal, should the monster be stronger then you thought, bust out Divine Protection and heal twice, stun and heal again if needed. Repeat this cycle as you go. If you need to run, and then stun the monster, cast Divine Protection and run, casting lay on hands as you get low on life and then repeating Divine Protection and so on.

Now you know the basics, go out and kill and enjoy yourself Holy Warrior. I wish you best of luck and remember to check back for new skills and keep on the quests to get money and experience. The more armor the better.

Best of luck,
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