Hands free Xp in the tutorial

Star Wars Galaxies Guides
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Joined: Sun Oct 29, 2006 2:14 pm

On the space station in the tutorial there are various areas each containing diffrent level enemies. Find an enemy giving you at least 50 xp. Now watch where they are walking. Aim your mouse in that path but not directly on them. An enemy WILL NOT spawn in the path of your mouse. However they will spawn and walk into it. Now weight your mouse and go away. Every few seconds he will spawn and walk into the fire. He will die and using the macro listed at te bottom be auto looted and vanish. Because its the tutorial they have the respawn rate turned way up. I left it runnig pover night and was able to get to 20. Now it is important to notice a few things with this. First make sure you get the set up just right... If you dont get the fire angle right the enemies will run at you and get out of the targeting rectile. You need to postion it so when they are in mellee range they are still hit. Also there are numerous locations for this. I fund the best way to do this was to use a comando and do it in the space mineyou go to after learning to fly in the tutorial. Deep in the mine there is a room full of spiderwebs. I am not sure what the aliens are caled but they look lige giant spider creatures with necks and heads. When you first come to them there is a long hallway and a large mob of them beyond it. Stand in the hallway and do my process. hitting one will agro others to charge you and at that point they should die fairly easy. This is not perfect but as it is so hard to macro now this seems to be the closest thing to hands free xp.

Macro name: loot

Macro is as follows:

/macro loot;

To use: "/macro loot"

To end: "/dumpp" (notice there are two p at he end off that. this allows it to dump multiple chains of it.)
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