Extensive Macros

Complete walkthrough on Installing and Configuring your Rogue Enhancing software.
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Just bought this software, and was wondering, how exactly does the program know the waits for the spells, because the way i usually set up my macros is to make each macro cast more than one spell including wait times, so for instance Prot. etc.
/ma "Shell" <me>
/wait 6
/ma "Protect" <me>
/wait 6
/ma "Aquaveil" <me>

I'm wondering if this setup will accomodate this style of macro setup therefore helping me to cast more magic per macro, so i dont look like i'm casting the same spell set over and over again. would be useful to activate more than just the first four macro buttons, i know i can use the party bot for this but then i have to reset all the waits and etc for partying and for leveling magic skills.
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You really only need to cast 4 to lvl up your skill.
Thats why there is only 4, I use a low lvl buff, then a low lvl cure, then a high lvl buff, then a high lvl cure.

Just hide somewhere so no one sees you casting the same stuff over and over.

What do you mean, cast 4? Like cast a spell 4 times?

Obligatory disclosure: I'm a complete newbie both on FFXI and these forums - just bought the bots, though. I'm just getting started in the game as a White Mage (lv 5) and would like to know, do I need to be a higher lvl/have more spells (just cure I / Dia now) to enhance my healing skill with this bot?

many thanks

Your magic skill levels are capped by your level, yes. If you look in Status->Magic Skills you will see their current level. If it's blue, it's capped.

As you gain levels, you will gain spells. You can put them on macros to have the bot repeatedly cast them, thus skilling up over time (you gain skill by casting a lot of that type of magic)

If you only have two spells, repeat them in the macros. I'd suggest adding /wait XX to the macro, where XX is the cooldown time of the spell - the cast time of the next spell
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lol cool thanks
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