i wana Thank you for the great work u did with this,first when i dowloaded this it didnt work at all,but then i readed all the setup guides and done everythin posted there and it works great now,im really happy now /:D cos u all know skilling up magic sucks a big time,and thats the real reason i wanted rougue tools!
just a Thank You!
Are you using Rogue Tools or Iocaine? I guess I'm a little surprised that Rogue Tools still works, even just for skilling up. If you're not familiar with Iocaine, I would check it out. To be honest, there may be a couple of things that you can do with Rogue Tools that you can't do with the Iocaine skill up bot (like maybe using things like endark, enlight, etc), but overall Iocaine has more features. Just a thought... But I'm very happy that you've got something that's working for you!