Issues & Bug Reporting 2023

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Admin Team
Posts: 1832
Joined: Wed Oct 27, 2004 12:43 pm

If you have been here before then you surely notice some changes. The previous platform was so heavily modified that upgrading beyond a certain point became nearly impossible. I struggled through it as long as I could, then finally my hosting provider started charging every month for a deprecated version of PHP which was necessary for the PHPBB version running on it.
If you find any issues, bugs or things that just don't seem to fit right, or maybe even just a personal preference, please use the following link to report them or the Contact Us form located at the bottom of every page.

Your feedback is appreciated.

For anyone interested here is the list of things that have been upgraded and work to be done
This was the status in February 2023, some items might not be the absolute latest currently

  • Upgraded backend to latest version
  • MYSQL backend to latest version
  • Upgraded PHPBB to latest version
  • Fixed any major errors preventing the site from working
  • Found a modified a template to work with the site temporarily
  • Built a modern landing page/site
  • Purchased and modified a new Forum template
What's left?
  • Create a new PayPal integration MOD
  • Minor fixes for the landing site
  • Complete the customization on the forums

Thank You,
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