Setting up for the First time run and each additional run

Complete walkthrough on Installing and Configuring your Rogue Party software.
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Now that the program is installed and ready to use you will want to log into the game WITHOUT the program running and set your macro sheet.

Please see the "Macro Sheet" section located below for any macro related help.

Remove your linkshell and store in your mog house.
Store any items you will not be using in your mog house.
Turn on Anon by typing /anon (you can later turn it off by typing /anon again).
Open the FFXI menu by clicking the "-" sign on the keyboard then clicking it again.
Select Config
-Chat filters (Turn as many as you can "ON")
-Font colors (go to bottom and select "Default")
-Windows (make sure your window style is ffxi default which is "Window Type 1")
-Global (For Auto Disconnect select "OFF")

Be ready to use the bot before you log in with it loaded up.

Start up the playonline interface and click through it as normal until you are ready to enter the game.
You will then start the Fishing bot by selecting the program from the start menu or clicking on the desktop icon.
DO NOT Start the POL Interface.
Let the bot start POL for you.
You will then need to log in as usaual and continue into FFXI.
Once in game you will now see a little box with 3 buttons.
They will start/pause and exit the bot.

You can surf the web or do whatever you wish and the bot will not start until you are in FFXi (once the game goes full screen)

You will not be able to chat at all while this bot is running.
If the chat window opens the bot will close it.

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