Burners: Rogue Summoning Bot
*FFXI Summoning Bot*
*Final Fantasy XI Summoner Bot*
*This program is used to level your summoning skill*
*The skill that is so hard to level has just been made easy as pie, this will max out your skill over night or for higher level summoners over just a few nights*
*Extremely easy to use, just setup one macro page for the bot and let it do its thing while you find something more interesting to do*
*I'll be the first to admit when the BCNM 20 avatars first came out I was eager to level summoner and when I hit level 20 I had virtually no summing skill*
*It was then that I learned how important it is to have a high summoning skill as a summoner*
*I used to even pay my friends to level my summoning skill while I worked or did other things, If only I had this program then*
*After I created this program it was only took 1 night to max my level 30 summoner summoning skill and I noticed the difference the very next day*
*You select the avatars & spirits you have then the program adjust which ones it will to summon*
*Currently supports the 3 major resolutions 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x1024*
*More resolution support comming in future revision and UPDATES ARE FREE*
*3 Speed Settings, because everyones computer is not that same so why should you sacrifice running a slow bot because the designer made a one size fits all program?*
*If you think you have a fast computer and fast connection try the fastest speed setting and watch this program summon faster then you could ever dream of*
*Very easy to use and has a simple point and click installer as well as the configuration tool*
*Tech support, Free 24/7 tech support. If we cant get our bots working for you we will custom design a bot that will work on your system at no additional cost. Trust us that we will make sure your bot is working trouble free*
*Free Downloadable updates and the software is downloadable from our high speed website 24/7**
*Key Features*
*Ability to Pause Program and restart at any time*
*Ability to exit prgram from within FFXI*
*3 supported resolutions*
*Built in Avatar & spirit customization*
*3 speed settings*
*Wrapped with professional installer, creates own shortcuts and has uninstall program built in*
*Built in Fail safe technology*
*Anti run away bot coding*
*Extensive help Section & 24/7 Support accessible from our website*
*Sample* Click here to see the Rogue Summoner GUI screenshot
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