Great Cash, Horde or Alliance

World of Warcraft Guides
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Joined: Wed Oct 27, 2004 12:43 pm

Here's a good way to make some decent money by buying the "Frost Oil" recipe.

This recipe is needed by a TON of alchemists, and non alchemists of both the Horde and Alliance for a level 37 quest.,

Nifty thing about this recipe is, the vendor who sells it has a "limited supply" which basically means he only sells 1 every hour or so, for 25S a piece.

This recipe is in big demand, and I grabbed one and sold it at the AH for 2G.

Here's the info on the location etc of the fellow who sells it:

For all your crafty folks out there, the specific recipe always shows up in the same location in his vendor window. Why not set up a macro to "search" for this recipe every 5 seconds or so? If it's there, buy can completely control the market for this quest. Best part is a "series" quest with this portion being part 3 of the quest. People desperately want to finish it, if you control the entire market on your server for these recipes you can become a very rich man.

Once I get back out there I'll make a macro to do just that, it's not difficult in the least so I'm sure some of you other crafty macro heads will make one for yourselves.
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