Tanaris Zone, Money Maker

World of Warcraft Guides
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In the Tanaris zone, just east of Gadgetzan (for those of you not familiar with the area it's just east of Un'Goro crater on Kalimdor) you'll find an alchemist vendor named "Alchemist Pestlezugg".

Here's his location:


Mr. Pestlezugg sells 2 recipes which are in HIGH DEMAND by alchemist and blacksmiths/weaponsmiths etc. As many of you high level tradeskillsmen know, your character's level in no way represents your level in tradeskills. In other words you may be level 225 in alchemy, but only level 28 in the game. This makes grinding in areas such as Tanaris pretty much unthinkable.

That being said, if you are brave enough to make the dangerous trek in Kalimdor to the Gadgetzan area, and hearthstone it back to your homebase in Hordeland or Ironforge, here's a way to make some great cash. Just don't flood the AH all at once, just put one or two of these up on the AH. Otherwise you risk people thinking these recipes are readily available.

Here we go......

Recipe: Transmuste Mithril to Truesilver

Pestlezugg sells this recipe for a mere 80 silver. While it may sound expensive, you can easily turn around and sell this on the AH for 2G. This is a "limited supply" item which only appears every 30 minutes or so. So camp out, buy 5 of these suckers if you have the cash. If not just do one at a time.

Recipe: Transmute Iron to Gold

This is another recipe for Alchemists which is in high demand. This also sells for 80 silver, however this recipe is not a limited quantity item. You'll be able to sell these on the AH 1.5G on a regular basis.

Have fun! Be sure to check out the map above to see where Pestlezugg is located.
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