Rags To Riches

World of Warcraft Guides
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okie.. I'm gonna release my secret on how i went from newbie to rich newbie,.. i've held onto my trade secrets like any wise man would.. but you all deserve to know. follow the steps below and you will be rich quick and pretty rich for awhile..

Ok as the subject is newbie i will start from there..

To begin your fishing Start near your hometown.. just to level your fishing.. fish in any lake or pond.. have a bot running i feel that WoWFisher is great to use.. leave this run for 2-4hours just to level your fishing.. this is all fished junk feel free to use some fish for eating or just throw it away. you will need to monitor it often as you wont have much space to start with.

Ok now your fishing should be 75 or hopefully you have leveled to 10+ if you have it will make it alot easier. Now head to Menethil Harbor. this is the fun part. Sit your character under the pier and fish away for a few hours.. check every 30 mins or so depending on how much space you have and filter the junk here you will catch Oily Blackmouth and Firefin snapper.. you will also catch ALOT of locked chests and actually some "Message in a bottle" you find receipes in these which sell well on AH. Ok once you caught 40+ of oily Blackmouth and/or Firefin Snappers. Go and sell them on AH check your AH for the average price or use Auctioneer (Trust me its a man's bestfriend). Once you have your prices sorted sell your fish make sure you use Buyout for max profit. These sell VERY well.. on my server at least. ok once you have the money from them INVEST! buy Runecloth Bags.. they are they best for money. normally 2g80-3g 14 slots fill up on them.. make sure you put everything in the bank now then.. what i did with a full load of bags.. was sit my charcater under the dock in Menthil Harbor nice and comfy before i went to bed. Let him/her Fish overnight for 8+ hours and it should fill your characters bags. This should yield 160+ oily blackmouth and 100+ firefin snapper.. Sell that at the auction and your sorted.. once you have done this.. you will now know.. you have just flooded the market.. They will start to sell really slowly or not at all. So Time to level up you have enough money!

Now once you get to level 20+ and a decent fishing head over to wailing caverns and start to fish Deviate Fish.. There is also another post on this site that explains fishing Deviate Fish. I'm merely compiling it into this post also for convience and relevance. There are 2 lakes.. 1 large one and 1 small one. If you are on a PvE you will be safe to fish outside the instance. If you fish outside fish between the 2 lakes. This is the safest spot away from the patrol that wanders round the lake. the Deviate fish can be eaten raw or cooked for better more desired effects or its even used in alchemy for Giant Growth Potions. So this is your main money maker.. I fished 400+ of these but also as before you will flood the market! So.. to keep your income flowing.. fish deviate for 2 weeks or so and then go back to oily blackmouth and firefin snapper for a week and alternate between the two this will keep the market up but you wont be stuck with non-sellers. Dont be afriad to store lots of fish in your bank and sell it in a week or two.

Hope this guide helps.. this is my first post =)

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