WoW Herbalists, Make 8-9 Gold An Hour

World of Warcraft Guides
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On my server, Stranglekelp sells on the AH at 4 to 4.5 g for a stack of 20, and it sells FAST! The reason for this is that it's used in a ton of potions that people use to level their alchemy skills. For some reason, there is a perception that it is difficult to find and collect, but I've been collecting it on a daily basis in huge quanitites with relative ease.

All you need to do is go to Zoram Strand in Ashenvale (west side of Ashenvale) and swim out into the ocean a little. Start from Zoram Strand in the south and swim north, collecting Stranglekelp as you swim. See the map below:

Stranglekelp is all over the place, it respawns quickly, and it usually drops 2-3 herbs per plant. Once you reach the island to the north (at the north edge of Ashenvale), swim around it, and head back south again. By the time you reach the north side of Ashenvale, most of the Stranglekelp has respawned and is ready to be picked again. I run this loop over and over again and I collect at least 2 full stacks of 20 Stranglekelp in an hour.

The best part about this method is that all of the mobs here are pretty low level (18-21) and the mobs are all far apart (you won't get multiple aggros), so this is a great strategy for anyone lvl 18 and up. Stranglekelp only requires an herbalism skill of 85 too.

Once you collect the herbs, sell each stack on the AH for 4 to 4.5g and believe me, it will sell. This is EASY MONEY.
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