Light Saber Crafting

Star Wars Galaxies Guides
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Joined: Sun Oct 29, 2006 2:14 pm

What you might want to know when crafting your lightsaber:

First: of all:
The percentage or "quality" of a lightsaber crafting tool has NO influence on your crafting success. You need a Personal crafting STATION for crafting and therefor the percentage of the STATION is what matters. So try to find a Weapon, Droid, General Crafting station with near 50% or find a friend that grants you access to one.

You CAN use Bespin Port and Pyollian Cake. port increases your experimantation chance (so if it is a modrate, good or great success in experimantation) and the Cake raises assembly chances but since you only need a small number of ressources it doesn't really matter if you take it or not. Since Lightsabers cannot be traded you only need one saber so if you have a failure just craft again. Since most packages of ressources you find sell in 1000 you can make dozens of sabers ... one of them will be amazing success in expermientation. no need for food really.

Same goes for "Research Center" cities. They do not really make a difference. might help to speed things up, but you can do anywhere you have a crafting station.

The rest of saber crafting has been simplified a lot. Force Cost and Damage have been normalized, pearls don't make that much of a difference now and most sabers are quite in balance / with same stats. One important difference today (28th nov 05) is, that newly crafted sabers have a reach of 5 meters. Pre-NGE sabers have a reach of 4 meters. It is not known if that is intended, but the old, converted sabers have a drawback on range.

Pearls now come in qualities of x/20 with 20 being the max damage a pearl can add to your saber. 4th generation Lightsabers can hold 5 crystals / pearls at which 1 MUST be a color crystal. So you zhave 4 slots left for pearls or crystals. Pre-NGE the pearls DEFINED a saber since the saber itself made some 70 damage at max + a pearl adding up to 120 damage. Nowadays Sabers come with some 475 damage each pearl adding some 15-20 damage on min /max dmg. So if you cannot find or afford flawless or premium pearls with 20/20 damage on min / max you will do fine with 15/15 pearls too. or maybe even just 1 pearl + 1 color crystal in your saber. By the time you will find better pearls and max out your saber.

That said it makes no difference if you craft a 1handed, 2handed or double bladed saber. They are all the same. Question of style.

Pre-NGE there were so many factors to calculate in: Ressources, action cost or force cost. Post-NGE as i said saber crafting has been simplified so you do not really need to think about anything but the overall quality of the ressources you use.

You know your saber is competetive when you reach about 475 max damage.

On mustafar you can obtain a schematic of an old republic lightsaber hilt (CL 54 max dmg around 250) which is one use non tradeable. So if you are a starting jedi and have ToOW that might be an option for you! (Very stylish also)

Ok with that said you shouldn't worry too much about saber crafting since you will be able to make plenty of them. The pearls and crystals are, once you tuned them to your jedi, replaceable from saber to saber and they do not decay. So you can use them, when you find better ressources craft a new saber and transfer the best of your pearls into it.

The most important things:
Have a very good Crafting Station and very good ressources. The rest is piece of cake and you cannot really influence it, except for your own combat level. because of that you should cfraft a new saber every time you gain Experimantation Skill advancements
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