Invic. Exploit

Star Wars Galaxies Guides
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Posts: 686
Joined: Sun Oct 29, 2006 2:14 pm

The goal here is to be prone when you die, the game somehow registers that you are already dead and you only get an incapp timer. how it works:

I find that makign a macro is the simplist solution instead of trying to spam /prone. what i did was title a macro: prone, and inside the macro i simply put /prone; /macro prone

Then i placed that on my toolbar. and if it comes time to death, i hit the # slot its in and right click 5-8 times to get the macro spamming /prone fast enought (depending on how many peopel are attacking you, and how fast)

I tried putting in the macro: /prone 5 times and then /macro prone, but doesnt give me the same success rate.

I say this works 100% of the time if you get it figured out. it works in pvp also, no more db's!

Best place to test it is on krayts becuase they attack so slow you only have to run this macro once lol, and krayts is where i found out about it
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