Titan Pathing

Guild Wars Guides
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Posts: 686
Joined: Sun Oct 29, 2006 2:14 pm

When your hunting hard monsters such as titans etc. pin them down on the walls. as they do have pathfinding around rocks/tree's and buildings. they wont go around eachother. so pin them down in a streight line along a wall and only one will fight you at a time.. Can be handy in most times.

Also: Lornar's passage like.. the 2th zone down from there has those nasty Rock trowers you can get passed without being knocked down. let one (for axample a monk with rebirth) pin them down at a wall. let them trow rocks at you into the wall. and let a Elementalist AOE kill them with ease.. (best and most simple way to kill them and get passed). just some idea's will post more if i find some.
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