Unlimited Tin + Mining Skill

Everquest II Guides
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Posts: 686
Joined: Sun Oct 29, 2006 2:14 pm

Some people have been talking about how to get there minining up saying there's not enough resources. Well theres PLENTY of resources and no competion to get them.

The key to this lies right at the bottom of Malvonicus tower on the starting Island of Refuge. To make this work correctly thoguh you have to get to lvl 6 with 220% till next level. The reason behind this is that as you progress from lvl 3 your mining skill max increases until you can't continue anymore do to lvl cap. One down fall to this is you'll have to go with out Malvonicus bag that he gives as a quest item for the eternity of your Island stay.

When you first get down there move the bed, table, chair, and ember pile. After doing this go to the rock and harvest. You will receive one tin cluster and one lvl increase in mining. Hit the ladder and go out of the cellar. Repeat this process till you have maxed out your mining skill (Which I think is 40) Unlike when your out in the wilds chopping rock and your skill increases every so often EVERY time that you harvest down below your going to get a mining skill point. When the skill points quit comig in then just keep mining for your tin till you have more then enough. You get on average 100 tin clusters in an hour. Once you hit max mining lvl ( and have all the tin you want) chop the log with your foresting skill and the quest is complete. DO NOT forest the log at any time after you have mined the rock or it will end the quest and your ease of mining and tin harvesting.

One reason for doing this is that when you get to the main land and your out adventuring you can mine A LOT more rocks since your lvl ability is at 40 compared to only being able to mine low lvl rocks. Another advantage of this is that if you want to keep mining past your max lvl you can bring in UNLIMITED tin till your sick and tired of the loading screen.

For the same reason as the max 40 mining I would do this to all skills that you can on Isle of Refuge, Foresting, and harvesting as well. Trust me it will help you more then you know in your future travels in the world. Would you like to go to the market and only be able to select one kind of beer or would you like to have a selection the minute you walk in? Thats what it is if you go to the mainland before you max out those skills. It stinks when you walk by a log, rock or root and cant do anything till you travel 3 sections over to a low area to harvest and compete with everyone else to get the skill up.

Hope this gives some insight into how this works and why you should acheive this before heading to the mainland. It is a grind but not to bad depends on how far you want to pursue it.

I'm sure once the trolls of SOE check this out it will be fixed soon or when a spy posts it somewhere other then here but oh well they'll take it away just like they took away my Threadbare Thread exploit. I'll find more for you though so stay tuned.
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